

Cheryl Toy

From her tiny studio in New Orleans, Louisiana, Cheryl Toy avidly knits, teaches and designs knitwear. A former Set Designer and Art Director for film and television, Cheryl frequently draws on historical and architectural references to create engaging knits that focus on simple, timeless shapes. Amusing details and quirky techniques fascinate her. Cheryl’s work can be found in several books. She is a frequent contributor to Interweave Knits, Knitscene and Knit.Wear magazines and has figured in collections from Brooklyn Tweed and Hudson+West.

Check out my Ravelry designer group HERE

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A selection of patterns by Cheryl Toy

You can view them all here

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Baby Face Spa Cloths
Smaller aafc 202310030404 small best fit
King's Lynn Gansey
Glenwood 9 square small best fit
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Barn Swallow Fingerless Mitts
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Poppa Socks

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I'm a knitter/crocheter, looking for test and/or sample making opportunities
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