
Knitting Therapy Design    

Manuela Cecchetti - Knitting Therapy Designs

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My name is Manuela and I’m a serial knitter and newbie designer.
The creative process helps me sort out and express tangled up thoughts and feelings.
That is why I named my Blog “Knitting Therapy”.

Blog is in Italian but I also send out an english Newsletter from time to time. If you subscribe you get a 20% discount on my patterns.

In my designs process I like to experiment with yarn and let me guide by how it feels in my hands. I also love to look around in Nature, books and everyday life for inspiration.
I hope you’ll enjoy my patterns!

You may find help about the patterns in the Ravelry group as well as via email.

Happy Knitting!

Instagram @iknitso

Ciao, Sono Manuela e sono una Serial knitter ed una designer principiante.

Creare mi aiuta a districare i pensieri ingarbugliati. Ecco perché nasce il mio blog “Knitting Therapy”, un luogo virtuale dove condivido questa passione che aiuta a portare tranquillità nella mia vita.

Qui trovi i miei primi design. Spero che ti piacciano.
Iscrivendoti a una qualsiasi Newsletter avrai il 20% di sconto sui miei pattern:

Se hai bisogno di aiuto con uno dei miei pattern puoi chiedere via email o sul Gruppo Ravelry

Instagram @iknitso

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A selection of patterns by Manuela Cecchetti

You can view them all here

Want to join the testing pool for Knitting Therapy Design?

Just fill in this quick form to sign up for a free account here on Yarnpond. If you already have an account, click here to login , then use the search box to search for Knitting Therapy Design and join their pool.

Check all the boxes that apply to you:
I'm a knitter/crocheter, looking for test and/or sample making opportunities
I'm a knit/crochet designer, looking for testers and/or sample makers
I'm a yarn dyer/producer/seller or LYS, looking for sample makers
I'm a tech editor, looking for editing jobs