

I’ve been crafting since I was a little girl, but through high school, college, and an Army deployment, I found little time for my creative needs. In 2009, I rediscovered my love of crocheting (amongst other things) and haven't looked back since! Designing and teaching are my passions and although it’s hard to do as much as I want to do these days with a little one running around, I am truly blessed. I was born and raised in Arkansas, in the countryside outside of a small rural town. I grew up surrounded by nature and often feel most at home when I’m walking alone down a wooded trail even today. Much of my design inspiration comes from the colors and shapes I see in nature and other scenery around me, from flowers and rocks to the flow of water down a stream to shrouded mountains in the distance. I also find inspiration in the classroom, though! Many of my designs begin with a question from a student and develop from our explorations.

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A selection of patterns by Connie Lee Lynch

You can view them all here

Sweetshop slice of life 1 web small best fit
Slice of Life
Sosp25 twilight fade crochet pillow small best fit
Twilight Fade Crochet Pillow
20230526 121455 4x5 small best fit
Chroma Story Cowl
Chroma story scarf wrapped on fence post with focus on ends stretched out 4x6 w small
Chroma Story Scarf
Candytuft scarf half hitch sun grins small best fit
Candytuft Scarf

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I'm a knitter/crocheter, looking for test and/or sample making opportunities
I'm a knit/crochet designer, looking for testers and/or sample makers
I'm a yarn dyer/producer/seller or LYS, looking for sample makers
I'm a tech editor, looking for editing jobs